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Services for Paving & Asphalt in Hamilton & Surrounding Areas
At Wm. Groves Ltd., we have the expertise and equipment to carry out any number of paving and asphalt services in the Greater Hamilton area. We have extensive experience in restoring cement floors, concrete foundations, sidewalks and curbs. Not only can we resolve your wet basements issues with foundation wall repairs, we’re also available for parking lot, driveway and roadway construction, as well as a host of other services.
Asphalt Removal and Replacement
Our highly skilled team can remove, replace and perform patchwork on asphalt roadways, driveways and parking lots.
Concrete Forming & Pouring
Through our experienced tradesmen, we can form and pour an assortment of concrete surfaces and structures, including:
Concrete Bases
Light Base and Bollard Installations
Machine Bases
Retaining Walls
Warehouse Floors
Rebar can be installed according to your own specifications.
Repairs for Concrete Curbs, Sidewalks and Structures
Concrete structures, sidewalks and curbs can all be repaired – call us for a free estimate today!
Asphalt Pothole & Crack Filling
Do you have vehicle-jarring potholes or unsightly cracks in your parking lot or roadway? Our team can fix up your asphalt surface to your specifications.